World Day against Death Penalty

The World Day Against the Death Penalty is organised on the 10th October by the World Coalition against the Death Penalty (WCADP) of which FIACAT is a founding member and member of the steering committee. This campaign especially seeks to encourage and reinforce the international dimension of fighting for the abolition to the public opinion and public decision-makers. Furthermore it puts pressure onto the States who retain the capital punishment to abolish it and to call for the permanent end of death penalties and executions in the world.
Each year a theme is chosen.
In 2023, the 21th World Day against the Death Penalty focused on the death penalty: an irreversible torture.
In 2022, the 20th World Day against the Death Penalty focused on the death penalty: a path paved with torture.
In 2021, the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on the invisible reality of women sentenced to death.
In 2020, the 18th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on the access to a lawyer.
In 2019, the 17th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on child sentenced to death.
In 2018, the 16th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on life conditions in death rows.
In 2017, the 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on poverty and justice.
In 2016, the 14th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on terrorism.
In 2015, the 13th World Day Against the Death Penalty focused on drug trafficking.