Christophe is a member of ACAT Belgium, which is active in promoting human rights in many areas, both in Brussels and elsewhere in Belgium and abroad. Christophe is particularly interested in respect for the rule of law, issues related to loss of liberty, asylum and migration policies, and dialogue between Christian traditions and Western society. He believes that Christianity is called to show a truly new openness to contemporary social, cultural and anthropological challenges, in particular and above all by bearing witness in a way that is compatible with the fundamental rights recognised in democratic societies.

Initially trained in physics (master's degree and aggregation), Christophe continued his education with theological studies: he holds a doctorate from the Catholic University of Louvain on ecclesial institutions and ministries. Christophe works as an inspector in public education for the teaching of philosophical courses; he is also an affliliated researcher at the institute "Religions, Spiritualities, Cultures, Societies" of UCLouvain, where he teaches part-time and is director of the Brussels Orthodox Theological Institute. He is also rector of a French-speaking Orthodox parish in Brussels and is married with two children.

Christophe D'Aloisio has been a member of the FIACAT International Board since 2020.In June 2024, he was elected President of FIACAT for a four-year term.

"Change the world? It's possible, as long as we remain capable of changing ourselves! In a globalised society, Christians can contribute to a project of renewed human fraternity because they are animated by an enduring hope."